快訊 ·  09/25 17:00

By David Shepardson


- A U.S. Senate Panel Investigating Boeing's Ba.n Safety Culture on Wednesday Faulted the Planemaker's Quality Practices and Oversight by the Federal Aviation Administration Citing Documents Obtained in an Ongoing Investigation.

華盛頓,9月25日(路透社)—— 美國參議院調查波音公司的小組 Ban。 週三的安全文化引用正在進行的調查中獲得的文件,指責了該飛機制造商的質量做法和美國聯邦航空管理局的監督。

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Which Is Holding a Hearing Wednesday With FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker, Said Boeing Workers Continue to Feel Pressure to Prioritize Speed of Production Over Quality.


the Committee's Democratic Staff Said in a Memo Boeing Struggles to Ensure Employees Are Adequately Trained, Fails to Ensure Improper Parts Are Not Installed and Its Quality Inspection Procedures and the Faa’s Review Raises Questions About Qualifications and the Independence of Individuals Performing Inspections.


In Some Facilities, Boeing Personnel Are Allowed to Inspect Their Own Work.


"Given the Depth and History of Boeing’s Safety Deficiencies, Its Lack of Candor With the FAA, and the Agency’s Reactive Regulatory Posture, the Newly Released Information Raises Questions About the Effectiveness of the Faa’s Oversight of the Company," the Committee Said.


Boeing Said It Has "Taken Important Steps to Foster a Safety Culture That Empowers and Encourages All Employees to Share Their Voice, but It Will Require Continuous Focus."

波音公司表示,它 「已採取重要措施來培養一種安全文化,賦予和鼓勵所有員工分享自己的聲音,但這需要持續關注。」

The FAA Did Not Comment but Whitaker Said at a House Hearing Tuesday That Boeing Needed to Undertake Significant Safety Culture Improvements That Might Not Be Completed for Years.

美國聯邦航空局沒有發表評論,但惠特克在衆議院聽證會上說 週二波音需要採取重大安全措施 可能要等好幾年才能完成的文化改善。

The Committee Disclosed Details of an FAA Audit Completed After a Door Plug Missing Key Bolts Blew off a New Alaska Airlines Alk.n 737 Max 9 Jet at 16,000 Feet in January.

該委員會 美國聯邦航空局披露的審計細節 在門塞缺失鑰匙螺栓炸燬新阿拉斯加航空公司後完成 ALK.n 一月份,737 Max 9 Jet 在 16,000 英尺高處。

The Justice Department and FAA Are Investigating.

這個 司法部 美國聯邦航空局正在調查。

The 116-Page FAA Letter Details 97 Boeing Allegations of Noncompliance That Span "Issues in Boeing’s Manufacturing Process Control, Parts Handling and Storage, and Product Control." the Audit Found 23 Examples Where Employees "Failed to Follow Processes or Lacked Proficiency," the Memo Said.

這封長達116頁的美國聯邦航空局信詳細介紹了97項波音違規指控,這些指控涉及 「波音的製造過程控制、零件處理和存儲以及產品控制方面的問題」。該備忘錄稱,審計發現了23個員工 「未能遵守流程或缺乏熟練程度」 的例子。

Whitaker Has Barred Boeing From Expanding Max Production Until It Makes Major Quality Improvements.

惠特克有 禁止波音擴張 最大限度地提高產量,直到質量得到重大改進。

the Committee Said an Internal Boeing Survey From May Shows Many Machinists Feel Pressured to Prioritize Speed Over Quality During Airplane Production and Said the FAA Identified Quality Inspection Deficiencies at Boeing in 2017.


Whitaker's Written Testimony for the Senate Hearing Says the FAA Will "Expeditiously Provide Notice, in Real Time, of Any Activities That May Be Criminal so That DOJ Can Take Any Action They Deem Appropriate."

惠特克的 參議院聽證會的書面證詞 表示美國聯邦航空局將 「迅速實時通知任何可能的犯罪活動,以便司法部可以採取他們認爲適當的任何行動。」

Boeing Agreed to Plead Guilty to a Criminal Fraud Conspiracy Charge in July After Breaching a 2021 Agreement With DOJ.

波音同意對刑事欺詐認罪 在違反2021年與司法部的協議後,於7月提出陰謀指控。

(Reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Stephen Coates)


