On September 21, Jinwo Corporation released its 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (draft), with a total of up to 3.3 million restricted stocks to be granted, accounting for approximately 4.30% of the total shares of the company. The grant price is 9.57 yuan per share, and a total of 62 incentive recipients will be granted for the first time. In addition, Jinwo Corporation has set up a rigorous individual performance assessment for the incentive recipients, and stated that it will make a more accurate and comprehensive evaluation of their work performance. The company will determine whether the individual incentive recipients meet the attribution conditions based on the annual performance evaluation results. Jinwo Corporation stated that the formulation of the incentive plan is to further improve the long-term incentive mechanism of the company, attract and retain more outstanding talents, fully motivate their enthusiasm and creativity, effectively enhance the cohesion of the core team and the core competitiveness of the company, effectively combine the interests of shareholders, the company, and the core team, and ensure that all parties pay attention to the long-term development of the company and achieve the company's strategic and operational objectives.
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金沃股份发布股权激励计划 提出连续四年业绩增长目标
Jinwo Corporation has announced a stock-based incentive plan, proposing a goal of continuous performance growth for four years.
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