快訊 ·  09/21 00:00

By Jody Godoy and Ahmed Aboulenein


- The U.S. Federal Trade Commission Sued the Country's Three Largest Pharmacy Benefit Managers on Friday, Accusing Them of Steering Diabetic Patients Towards Higher Priced Insulin in Order to Reap Millions of Dollars in Rebates From Pharmaceutical Companies.

9月20日(路透社)— 美國聯邦貿易委員會週五起訴了該國最大的三家藥房福利管理公司,指控他們引導糖尿病患者轉向價格更高的胰島素,以從製藥公司獲得數百萬美元的回扣。

The Case Accuses UnitedHealth Group Inc's Unh.n Optum Unit, CVS Health Corp's Cvs.n CVS Caremark and Cigna Corp's Ci.n Express Scripts of Unfairly Excluding Lower Cost Insulin Products From Lists of Drugs Covered by Insurers.

該案指控聯合健康集團公司 Unh.n CVS Health Corp 的 Optum 部門 cvs.n CVS Caremark 和 Cigna Corp 的 CIN 不公平地將低成本胰島素產品從保險公司承保的藥物清單中排除的明確腳本。

Driving Down Drug Prices Has Been a Key Goal for the Joe Biden Administration, and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Nominee, Has Emphasized Her Work for Patients, And in Particular on Lowering Insulin Prices, On the Campaign Trial.

壓低藥品價格一直是喬·拜登政府的關鍵目標,民主黨候選人副總統卡馬拉·賀錦麗也是 強調她爲患者所做的工作,特別是在降低胰島素價格方面,關於競選試驗。

The Conduct Hurt Patients, Such as Those With Coinsurance and Deductibles, Who Were Not Eligible for the Rebated Price. the Three Pbms Together Administer 80% of All Prescriptions in the U.S., According to the Case, Which Was Filed in the FTC's in-House Court.


The Suit Also Named Zinc Health Services, Ascent Health Services, and Emisar Pharma Services, Purchasing Organizations Created by the Companies in Recent Years.

該訴訟還點名了Zinc Health Services、Ascent Health Services和Emisar Pharma Services這兩個公司近年來創建的採購組織

Rahul Rao, Deputy Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition, Said in a Statement That the Three Pharmacy Benefit Managers Are "Medication Gatekeepers" That Have "Extracted Millions of Dollars off the Backs of Patients Who Need Life-Saving Medications."

聯邦貿易委員會競爭局副局長拉胡爾·拉奧在一份聲明中說,三位藥房福利經理是 「藥物看門人」,他們 「從需要救生藥物的患者的背上提取了數百萬美元」。

"Millions of Americans With Diabetes Need Insulin to Survive, yet for Many of These Vulnerable Patients, Their Insulin Drug Costs Have Skyrocketed Over the Past Decade Thanks in Part to Powerful Pbms and Their Greed," He Said.


The FTC Did Not Sue the Three Major Makers of Insulin, Eli Lilly Lly.n, Sanofi, and Novo Nordisk, but It Did Criticise Their Role in What It Called a Broken System, and Said It Reserves the Right to Sue the Pharmaceutical Companies Later.

聯邦貿易委員會沒有起訴胰島素的三大製造商禮來公司 lly.n,賽諾菲,還有諾和諾德,但它確實批評了他們在所謂的破碎系統中所扮演的角色,並表示保留稍後起訴製藥公司的權利。

The Three Pbms Have Criticised the FTC's Approach to the Industry, Accusing It of Bias. Express Scripts Sued the FTC Earlier This Week Seeking to Force It to Withdraw a Report That Said Pbms Enrich Themselves at the Expense of Smaller Pharmacies.

這三個Pbm批評了聯邦貿易委員會的行業方針, 指責它有偏見。Express Scripts本週早些時候起訴聯邦貿易委員會,尋求 強迫它撤出 一份報告稱,Pbms以犧牲小型藥房爲代價致富。

(Reporting by Jody Godoy in New York and Ahmed Aboulenein in Washington; Editing by Aurora Ellis)


