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Yonyou: Continuously advancing the core hardware and software of humanoid robots, accelerating the commercial implementation of humanoid robots.

Breakings ·  Sep 19 08:47

Recently, ThoughtWorks has stated in institutional research that the company regards humanoid robots as an important strategic direction. Through long-term accumulation in the fields of robot OS, hardware development, multimodal large models, and industry models, it has built a key technical system for robots to possess intelligence. The company has also established a robot research institute and assembled a research team to continue researching and developing core software and hardware for humanoid robots, aiming to promote the large-scale application of humanoid robots in industrial and domestic real scenarios. In July of this year, the company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shanghai Zhiyuan New Technology Co., Ltd. Both parties will deep cooperate in the fields of general robot product innovation and scenario demonstration, accelerating the commercialization of humanoid robots in diverse application scenarios such as interactive services, flexible intelligent manufacturing, special operations, scientific research and education, and data acquisition. In addition, the company recently co-established the ThoughtWorks Tianhui Special Humanoid Robot Laboratory with Beijing Institute of Technology Huahui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. The two parties will work together to create high-performance and highly intelligent special humanoid robots, and develop industry-specific versions for emergency rescue, high-temperature/high-pressure environments in the industrial field, and the education field. With scenarios as the driving force, they will accelerate the commercialization of special humanoid robots.

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