快訊 ·  09/18 22:30

By Stanley Widianto


- Alphabet Inc's Googl.o YouTube and E-Commerce Platform Shopee Se.n Said on Wednesday They Were Launching an Online Shopping Service in Indonesia and Planned to Expand It in Southeast Asia as Competition Picks up With a Rival Operator Owned by TikTok.

雅加達,9月18日(路透社)——Alphabet Inc's 谷歌。 YouTube 和電子商務平台 Shopee 參議院。 週三表示,隨着與TikTok旗下的競爭對手運營商的競爭加劇,他們將在印度尼西亞推出一項在線購物服務,並計劃將其擴展到東南亞。

Under the YouTube Shopping Tie-up, People Will Be Able to Purchase Goods Viewed on YouTube Through Links to Shopee, Which Is Owned by Southeast Asian Technology Conglomerate Sea Ltd.

根據YouTube購物合作,人們將能夠通過東南亞科技集團Sea Ltd旗下的Shopee鏈接購買在YouTube上觀看的商品。

Company Executives Told Reporters They Plan to Expand the Service to Thailand and in Vietnam in a Few Weeks. YouTube Shopping Is Already Active in South Korea and the United States.

公司高管告訴記者,他們計劃在幾周內將服務擴展到泰國和越南。YouTube購物已經活躍了 大韓民國 還有美國。

Indonesia's "Energy and Velocity Around Online Shopping" Is What Prompted the Launch, YouTube Asia-Pacific Director Ajay Vidyasagar Said in Jakarta.

YouTube亞太區董事阿杰伊·維迪亞薩加爾在雅加達表示,印度尼西亞的 「在線購物的活力和速度」 是啓動的原因。

With YouTube Shopping, Alphabet Inc and Shopee Will Be Competing Against TikTok, the Bytedance-Owned Video App, Which Has Increased Its Ambitions for the Region After Taking Control of Indonesia's Biggest E-Commerce Platform Tokopedia.

通過YouTube購物,Alphabet Inc和Shopee將與Bytedance旗下的視頻應用程序TikTok競爭,後者在該地區的雄心壯志有所增強 掌控一切 印度尼西亞最大的電子商務平台Tokopedia的。

Asked About the Size of the Partnership With Shopee, Vidyasagar Said It Was Very Significant, but Declined to Give Numbers. He Said YouTube Shopping Would Be Opened to Partners Other Than Shopee "in a Phased, Sequenced Manner."

當被問及與Shopee的合作規模時,Vidyasagar表示合作非常重要,但拒絕透露數字。他說,YouTubee購物將 「以分階段、有序的方式」 向Shopee以外的合作伙伴開放。

Reuters Reported Last Year, Citing Sources, That YouTube Was Planning to Apply for a Licence to Operate E-Commerce Services in Indonesia, Southeast Asia's Largest Economy.

路透社 已舉報 去年,援引消息人士的話說,YouTube計劃申請在東南亞最大的經濟體印度尼西亞運營電子商務服務的許可證。

TikTok's Shopping Service, TikTok Shop, Accounted for $16.3 Billion in 2023 in Gross Merchandise Value in Southeast Asia, in a Nearly Fourfold Jump From the Previous Year, Consultancy Momentum Works Said in a Report.

諮詢公司Momentum Works在一份報告中表示,2023年,抖音的購物服務抖音商店在東南亞的商品總價值爲163億美元,比上年增長了近四倍。

This Has Made the Platform the Region's Second Largest E-Commerce Platform After Shopee.


The Region of Nearly 700 Million Is One of the World's Fastest Growing E-Commerce Markets. the Momentum Works Report Said Southeast Asia's Eight Largest E-Commerce Platforms Racked up $114.6 Billion in Gross Merchandise Value in 2023, up 15% From 2022.

這個擁有近70000萬人口的地區是世界上增長最快的電子商務市場之一。Momentum Works報告稱,東南亞八大電子商務平台在2023年累積了1146億美元的商品總價值,比2022年增長了15%。

(Reporting by Stanley Widianto; Editing by John Mair)


