快訊 ·  09/12 07:00

By Federico Maccioni


- Pgim, the Investment Management Arm of U.S. Insurer Prudential Financial Pru.n, Has Opened an Office in Abu Dhabi, It Said on Thursday, Joining a Slew of Money Managers Coming to the United Arab Emirates Capital to Tap a Growing Pool of Wealthy Clients.

迪拜,9月12日(路透社)—— 美國保險公司保誠金融旗下的投資管理部門Pgim pru.n該公司週四表示,已在阿布扎比開設辦事處,與衆多基金經理一起來到阿拉伯聯合酋長國首都挖掘越來越多的富裕客戶。

Pgim, Which Had $1.33 Trillion in Assets Under Management as of June-End, Obtained a Financial Services Permission (Fsp) to Operate in Abu Dhabi's Financial Centre Adgm, Where It Will Cater to Regional Institutional and Professional Clients.


Asset Managers, Banks, Hedge Funds and Family Offices Have Increased Their Presence in the UAE in Recent Years, Driven by a Post-Pandemic Economic Rebound, the UAE's Relatively Neutral Political Stance, Convenient Time Zones and Tax-Free Status.


In Abu Dhabi -- Where State Funds Adia, Mubadala and Adq Manage $1.54 Trillion in Assets, per Sovereign Wealth Fund Tracker Global Swf -- Some of the Big Names Include the Billionaire Founder of Hedge Fund Bridgewater Associates, Ray Dalio, Who Opened a Branch of His Family Office Last Year, and Peers Brevan Howard.

根據主權財富基金追蹤機構Global Swf的數據,國有基金阿迪亞、穆巴達拉和阿德克管理着1.54萬億美元的資產的阿布扎比——一些知名人士包括對沖基金橋水聯合公司的億萬富翁創始人雷·達利奧和去年開設家族辦公室分支機構的雷·達利奧以及同行佈雷文·霍華德。

The Oil-Rich Emirate Also Lured Banks Such as Goldman Sachs Gs.n and Rothschild, Which Have Traditionally Favoured Neighbouring Dubai as Their Regional Hub but Are Now Setting up Smaller Offices in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh.

石油資源豐富的酋長國還吸引了高盛等銀行 Gs.n 還有羅斯柴爾德,他們傳統上偏愛鄰國迪拜作爲其區域中心,但現在正在阿布扎比和利雅得設立較小的辦事處。

Company Registrations at Adgm Surged 31% in the First Half of 2024 Compared With a Year Earlier, While Assets Under Management Soared by 226%, the Financial Centre Said. Morgan Stanley Ms.n Was Among the Asset Managers That Received an Fsp in the Period.

與去年同期相比,Adgm的公司註冊人數在2024年上半年激增了31%,而管理的資產猛增了226%,金融中心 說過。摩根士丹利 ms.n 是該期間獲得Fsp的資產管理公司之一。

Pgim Said It Has Served Clients in the Middle East "for Many Years", but Abu Dhabi Would Be Its First Office in the Region.

Pgim表示,它爲中東客戶服務 「多年」,但阿布扎比將是其在該地區的第一個辦事處。

"Abu Dhabi Remains a Key Market," Its Middle East Head Mohammed Abdulmalek Said.


The Firm Said It Has Over 1,400 Employees Globally, Spread Across 41 Countries, Without Disclosing the Number of Staff It Plans to Employ in Abu Dhabi.


(Reporting by Federico Maccioni; Editing by Sumana Nandy)


