快訊 ·  09/09 19:00

By Svea Herbst-Bayliss

作者:Svea Herbst-Bayliss

- Investment Firm Daventry Group Has Urged Kinaxis to Put Itself up for Sale, Calling the Canadian Software Company a High Quality Asset That Many Buyers Would Pay a "Healthy Premium" to Own.

紐約,9月9日(路透社)— 投資公司達文特里集團已敦促Kinaxis 將自己出售,稱這家加拿大軟件公司是許多買家需要支付 「可觀的溢價」 才能擁有的高質量資產。

Daventry, Which Has Been an Investor in Kinaxis Since March 2021, Told the Board of Directors That Years of Errors Have Caused the Supply Chain Management Software Maker to Be Undervalued but That New Owners Could Repair the Damage Quickly.


Kinaxis' Problems Are Not Related to Its Products nor the Market, Daventry Wrote in a Letter Seen by Reuters, Noting That It Sells Some of the "Stickiest Software in the World."

達文特里在路透社看到的一封信中寫道,Kinaxis的問題與其產品或市場無關,並指出它銷售的是一些 「世界上最粘性的軟件」。

Rather the Issues Are "Self-Inflicted and Execution-Related," the Letter Said Laying Out How Kinaxis' Share Price Has Dropped Nearly 20% Since the End of 2020 While Its Rivals, Including Manhattan Associates, Have Seen Their Share Price Climb.

相反,這封信說,這些問題是 「自己造成的,與處決有關的」,它闡述了自2020年底以來,Kinaxis的股價如何下跌了近20%,而包括曼哈頓同業在內的競爭對手的股價卻在攀升。

"the Board Should Immediately Initiate a Sale Process and Allow Another Organization, Whether a Strategic or Financial


Sponsor, That Understands How to Scale a Software Business to Finally Unlock Kinaxis's Value and Capitalize on Its Strong Competitive Positioning," the Letter Said.

贊助商,他們知道如何擴展軟件業務以最終釋放Kinaxis的價值並利用其強大的競爭地位,” 信中說。

A Company Representative Was Not Immediately Available for Comment.


Daventry Group LP, Which Together With Its Affiliates, Beneficially Owns or Controls Approximately 1.4% of the Outstanding Stock of Kinaxis Inc.

達文垂集團有限責任公司及其附屬公司實益擁有或控制了Kinaxis Inc.約1.4%的已發行股票。

The Investment Firm Is Making Its Recommendation Just Weeks After the Company Said Long-Time CEO John Sicard Will Leave by Year's End. It Worries the Current Board and Its Chair Bob Courteau May Bungle Finding Sicard's Replacement.


Recent Executive Turnovers "Leave a Massive Vacuum in Leadership at Kinaxis Heading Into the Company's Most Important

最近的高管流動 “給Kinaxis的領導層留下了巨大的真空,進入了公司最重要的領導層

Selling Months of the Year, Making the Immediate Initiation of a Sale Process Imperative," the Letter Said.


(Reporting by Svea Herbst-Bayliss; Editing by David Gregorio)

(Svea Herbst-Bayliss 報道;由 David Gregorio 編輯)

