快訊 ·  09/07 03:00

US Employment Increased Less Than Expected in Aug


Brent and WTI Headed for Weekly Losses


US Active Oil Rig Count Held at 483 This Week


Updates Prices, Adds Rig Count Data


By Nicole Jao

作者:Nicole Jao

- Oil Prices Fell on Friday After Data Showed U.S. Employment Increased Less Than Expected in August, and Were on Track for a Heavy Weekly Loss as Demand Concerns Outweighed a Delay to Supply Increases by OPEC+ Producers.

紐約,9月6日(路透社) - 顯示數據後,週五石油價格下跌 美國就業 8月增長低於預期,由於需求擔憂超過OPEC+生產商增加供應的延遲,目前正面臨嚴重的周虧損。

Brent Crude Futures Lcoc1 Were Down $1.36, or 1.87%, to $71.33 a Barrel by 1:30 P.m. Edt (1730 Gmt). U.S. West Texas Intermediate Crude Futures Clc1 Were Down $1.21, or 1.75%, at $67.94.

布倫特原油期貨Lcoc1 下跌了1.36美元,或1.87%,至每桶71.33美元,美國西得克薩斯中質原油期貨 Clc1 下跌了1.21美元,或1.75%,至每桶67.94美元。

For the Week, Brent Was on Course to Register a 9% Decline, While WTI Was Heading for a Drop of Around 8%.


U.S. Government Data on Friday Showed Employment Increased Less Than Expected in August, but a Drop in the Jobless Rate to 4.2% Suggested an Orderly Labor Market Slowdown Continued and Probably Did Not Warrant a Big Interest Rate Cut From the Federal Reserve This Month.

美國政府 數據 週五顯示,8月份就業增長低於預期,但失業率降至4.2%,表明勞動力市場的有序放緩仍在繼續,並且可能不需要聯儲局在本月大幅減息。

"the Jobs Report Was a Little Soft and Implied That the Economy in the U.S. Is on the Slide," Bob Yawger, Executive Director of Energy Futures at Mizuho.

"就業報告有點不樂觀,暗示美國經濟正處於下滑中," 美洲石油能源期貨執行董事 Bob Yawger說。

Concerns Around Chinese Demand Also Continued to Pressure Oil Prices, Yawger Said.

Yawger 表示,對中國需求的擔憂也繼續給油價施加壓力。

On Thursday, Brent Settled at Its Lowest Price Since June 2023 Despite a Withdrawal From U.S. Oil Inventories and a Decision by OPEC+ to Delay Planned Oil Output Increases.

儘管美國原油庫存減少並且美油接連縮水,週四,布倫特油價達到2023年6月以來最低水平。 石油輸出國組織(OPEC)和其盟國決定推遲計劃中的原油產量增加。 原油庫存下降了690萬桶,至41830萬桶,與路透社分析師調查預計的下降993,000桶相比。

U.S. Crude Stockpiles Fell by 6.9 Million Barrels to 418.3 Million Barrels Last Week, Compared With a Projected Decline of 993,000 Barrels in a Reuters Poll of Analysts.


Signals That Libya's Rival Factions Could Be Closer to an Agreement to End the Dispute That Has Halted the Country's Oil Exports Also Pressured Oil Prices This Week.

信號表明利比亞的敵對派系可能更接近一項協議以終止爭端 暫停該國石油出口的爭議也對本週的油價施加了壓力。 儘管大部分出口仍然關閉,但已經允許進行一些裝載。

Exports Remain Mostly Shut in but Some Loadings Have Been Permitted From Storage.

美國銀行在星期五的一份報告中表示,全球庫存增加、需求增長疲軟以及OPEC+的產能過剩導致其將2024下半年的布倫特原油價格預測下調至每桶75美元,而之前的預測幾乎爲每桶90美元。 來自儲存的石油.

Bank of America Lowered Its Brent Price Forecast for the Second Half of 2024 to $75 a Barrel From Almost $90 Previously, It Said in a Note on Friday, Citing Building Global Inventories, Weaker Demand Growth and OPEC+ Spare Production Capacity.


The U.S. Active Oil Rig Count, an Early Indicator of Future Output, Remained Unchanged at 483 This Week, Energy Services Firm Baker Hughes Bkr.o Reported on Friday.

美國活躍的石油鑽井計數是未來產量的早期指標 保持不變 能源服務公司Baker Hughes本週的數據顯示,保持在483家 Bkr.o 週五報道

(Reporting by Robert Harvey in London, Nicole Jao in New York and Colleen Howe in Beijing; Editing by David Goodman, Jason Neely, Sharon Singleton, Paul Simao and Alexander Smith)

(倫敦的Robert Harvey、紐約的Nicole Jao和北京的Colleen Howe報道;David Goodman、Jason Neely、Sharon Singleton、Paul Simao和Alexander Smith編輯)

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