

Eight listed companies have already disclosed the size of their data resources in their semi-annual reports.

Breakings ·  Aug 13 22:34

According to statistics, up to now, 6 companies such as Huitong New Material, Milkyway Chemical Supply Chain Service, China Mobile, Huasu Stock, Smith Adhesive New Material, and Rockontrol Technology Group Co., Ltd. have disclosed the scale of "data resources" in their half-year reports this year for the first time. Jiahua Technology and Zhuochuang Information have updated the relevant financial data of the "data resources" item in their half-year reports. In addition to the above two companies, 16 companies including Hengxin Shambala Culture and Piesat Information Technology have previously disclosed information about "data resources" in the first quarter report this year. Note: In August of last year, the Ministry of Finance issued the "Interim Accounting Treatment Measures for Enterprise Data Resources", which has been implemented since January this year. It stipulates that "data resources" will be shown as a new accounting item on the balance sheet under the inventory, intangible assets, and development expenditure. The Ministry of Finance believes that this will help to provide accounting information support for regulatory departments to improve the digital economic governance system and strengthen macro-management, as well as provide useful information for investors to understand the value of enterprise data resources and improve decision-making efficiency.

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