
多只沪深300ETF尾盘显著放量 成交金额均超出前3个小时总和

Multiple Shanghai and Shenzhen 300etf showed significant volume at the end of the day, and the transaction amount exceeded the total amount of the first three hours.

Breakings ·  Jul 22 14:54

Near the end of the day, multiple Shanghai and Shenzhen 300etf showed significant volume. Huatai Bairui Shanghai and Shenzhen 300etf (510300) had a transaction of more than 4 billion yuan after 14:00, and E Fund Shanghai and Shenzhen 300etf (510310), Huaxia Shanghai and Shenzhen 300etf (510330), and Jiashi Shanghai and Shenzhen 300etf (159919) also had transactions of more than 0.9 billion yuan after 14:00. The transactions of these four etf funds all exceeded the total transactions in the first three hours after 14:00.

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