
压力陡增 华尔街初级银行家每周工时再次达到100小时

Pressure has increased sharply, and junior bankers on Wall Street are working up to 100 hours per week.

Breakings ·  Jun 29 23:05
According to interviews with current and recently departed junior bankers and their managers, a 100-hour work week, a tradition that has never gone away, is becoming more common again as investment banks chase more trades. These employees, who demanded anonymity to protect their careers, recently sparked a range of reactions on internet message boards after the May 2 heart attack death of Bank of America employee Leo Lukenas. Although authorities attributed Lukenas' death to natural causes, anonymous posters vented their frustration with being asked to do too much and called for a strike that never materialized. Representatives for JPMorgan, UBS Group, and Citigroup declined to comment on the issue.

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