
消费电子概念股震荡拉升 利安科技、智迪科技双双20CM涨停

Consumer electronics concept stocks fluctuated and boosted Liantech and Zhidi Technology both rose and stopped by 20CM

Breakings ·  Jun 27 09:54
Lian Technology and Zhidi Technology both rose and stopped at 20CM, and Lingyi Zhizao approached the rise and stop. Tanaka Seiki, Huiwei Technology, Gemite, Yingtong Communications, and Rambler rose more than 5%. According to the CITIC Securities Research Report, demand for 24H1 in consumer electronics, including IoT and home appliances, is strong, and overseas markets continue to perform strongly; although mobile phones and PCs are recovering weakly, AI is expected to stimulate a new round of switching between 4G and 5G (similar to the previous round of 4G to 5G, which is driven by demand for high-specification AI hardware).

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