
中信证券:2024年全球钾肥需求有望回升至2020年水平 静待下一轮粮食周期

Citic Sec: Global demand for potassium fertilizer is expected to recover to the 2020 level in 2024, waiting for the next cycle of grain.

Breakings ·  Jun 25 08:37
According to a research report from Citic Sec, global demand for potash fertilizer is gradually recovering from the impact of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict. It is expected that, under the premise of stable global supply of potash fertilizer, a market similar to that of the 2022 bulk stockpiling will be difficult to repeat, but with low prices, the proportion of fertilizer farming costs will continue to decrease, and the affordability of fertilizer for farmers will increase. Global demand for potash fertilizer is expected to return to the same level as the same period in 2020. In terms of terminal demand, according to data from the United States Department of Agriculture, there is a certain amount of accumulation inventory for global soybeans, while corn, wheat, rice, and palm oil have reduced inventory. Currently, the prices of major grain crops are still low, with further room for upward movement following the global economic recovery. There is hope that this will further drive the growth of potash fertilizer demand.

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