
海南椰岛:信披不及时 收到行政监管措施决定书

Hainan Coconut Island: Received an administrative regulatory decision due to untimely disclosure of information.

Breakings ·  Jun 14, 2024 19:48
Announcement of Hainan Coconut Island: On June 14, 2024, the company received the "Administrative Regulatory Measures Decision" issued by the Hainan Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. After investigation, it was found that the company disclosed information on employee occupation of duties violation in an untimely manner. The Hainan Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to take administrative regulatory measures to issue a warning letter to Hainan Coconut Island, Chairman Duan Shouqi, General Manager and Acting CFO Ma He, and Secretary of the Board Cai Zhuan and record it in the capital market integrity file database.

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