

Bee Assistant: Holding subsidiary plans to participate in bidding for land use rights.

Breakings ·  Jun 12 23:38
Fengzhushou Announcement: On June 12, 2024, the company held the 22nd meeting of the third session of the Board of Directors to approve the "Proposal on the Holding Subsidiary's Participation in the Bid for Land Use Rights". The Board of Directors agreed to authorize the subsidiary Fendang Technology to participate in the bid for the land use rights of the AT101825 site in the east of the Financial City of Tianhe District. The source of funds is the company's own funds, self-raised funds, and raised funds (the amount of raised funds does not exceed RMB 316,279,100. The specific location, land area and transaction amount are subject to the final transfer document). This matter still needs to be submitted for shareholder approval.

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