

The three major indicators grew simultaneously, and China's shipbuilding industry continued to be booming in the first quarter

Breakings ·  May 22 06:52
According to the China Shipbuilding Industry Association, from January to March of this year, China's completed shipbuilding volume was 12.35 million dwt, up 34.7% year on year; hand orders were 15.4.4 million dwt, up 34.5% year on year; new orders received 24.14 million dwt, up 59% year on year. In terms of DWT, finished volume and handheld order volume indicators accounted for 53.8% and 56.7% of the global total, respectively. The number of new orders received accounts for nearly 70% of the global total, reaching 69.6%. In the first quarter, China's ship exports amounted to US$9.92 billion. In terms of rankings, in the first quarter, China had 6, 5, and 6 enterprises respectively in the top 10 for shipbuilding completion volume, new orders received, and handheld orders. In addition, the concentration of the top 10 shipbuilding companies in the country was 67.4%, the concentration of the top 10 companies receiving new orders was 61.2%, and the concentration of the top 10 companies with handheld orders was 57%. (Securities Times)

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