
低空经济概念股持续走高 宗申动力等10余股涨停

Low-altitude economy concept stocks continued to rise and fall, with more than 10 stocks including Gao Zongshen Dynamics rising and falling

Breakings ·  May 17 11:16
More than 10 stocks, including Xinchen Technology, Zongshen Power, Hezhong Sizhuang, Changyuan Donggu, Sichuan University Zhisheng, and Shengxun Co., Ltd. rose to a halt, while Andaville and Xinyan shares rose more than 10%. According to the news, the “Beijing Action Plan to Promote High-Quality Development of the Low-Altitude Economy Industry (2024-2027)” was publicly solicited for comments. The plan mentions the establishment of a leading group for low-altitude economic development led by city leaders. Explore the new business format of split-flying car intercity commuting+intra-city shuttle applications.

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