
A股午评:创业板指震荡反弹涨超1% 房地产板块持续爆发

A-share afternoon review: The GEM index fluctuated and rebounded by more than 1%, and the real estate sector continued to explode

Breakings ·  May 16 11:32
The market fluctuated and rebounded in early trading, and the GEM index led the way. On the market, the real estate sector continues to explode. Among them, the direction of property management surged, and more than 10 stocks, including Anjubao, I Love My Family, Nanguo Real Estate, Tiandi Yuan, and World Link Bank, rose or stopped. AI concept stocks rebounded, leading in the direction of high-speed copper cable connections. Chuangyitong, Huamai Technology, and Ziguang shares rose and stopped; media stocks showed active performance, and Ciwen Media and Xinhua both rose and stopped. Travel stocks rallied intraday, Tibet tourism rose and stopped, and Changbai Mountain rose more than 5%. On the downside, home appliance stocks were adjusted, and Covos fell more than 8%. Overall, individual stocks rose more or less, with more than 3,700 individual stocks rising in the two markets. The half-day turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets was $519.4 billion, an increase of 51.9 billion dollars over the previous trading day. In terms of sectors, sectors such as real estate, high-speed copper connectivity, tourism, and CPO registered the highest gains, while sectors such as home appliances, ports, automobiles, and traditional Chinese medicine registered the highest declines. By the close, the Shanghai index was up 0.48%, the Shenzhen index was up 0.83%, and the GEM index was up 1.14%.

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