
5月14日连板股分析:短线情绪萎靡 正丹股份午后大幅跳水

Analysis of stocks on May 14: Short-term sentiment was weak, and Zhengdan shares dived sharply in the afternoon

Breakings ·  May 14 15:51
Today, a total of 48 shares rose or closed, with a total of 6 shares, including 4 individual stocks with three or above, and a total of 9 connected shares on the previous trading day. The promotion rate for connected board stocks was 44.44% (excluding ST shares, delisted stocks, and unopened new shares). In terms of individual stocks, more than 3,400 individual stocks rose in the entire market, some ST stocks that had surpassed the decline ushered in a recovery, and more than 30 ST stocks rose or stopped. Short-term sentiment was weak. Popular leader Zhengdan Co., Ltd. dived sharply in the afternoon. Baichuan Co., Ltd., which also has the TMA concept, fell to a halt. Bannandu Property fell to a standstill last 3 times; the leading synthetic biology concept company Azure Biotech fell to a standstill. Individual stocks such as Jimin Healthcare and Nanhua Biotech staged an “A-character kill” trend. In terms of the sector, the concept of going overseas, represented by power equipment and buses, is gaining momentum. Among them, it has accumulated 4 connected electronic boards and 2 connected boards for Zhongtong buses. Some low-level flexible targets with a high share of export sales have also begun to be exploited by capital, and Sanbo Shuo and Ellie Home have risen and stopped.

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