
国际原子能机构对日本核污染水排海启动核查 日本民众起诉日本政府和东电

The International Atomic Energy Agency has initiated an inspection of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge, and the Japanese people are suing the Japanese government and TEPCO

Breakings ·  Apr 23 21:10
According to Japanese media reports on the 23rd, the International Atomic Energy Agency today began the second inspection work since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was drained into the sea. Japan dismissed the objections of neighboring countries and the concerns of the international community by discharging Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water into the sea without permission. Furthermore, since the commencement of sea drainage, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which is responsible for operating the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, has misoperated and mismanaged, leading to frequent accidents. As a result, Japanese people sued the Japanese government and TEPCO, demanding that the act of draining water polluted by nuclear weapons into the sea be stopped. (CCTV Finance)

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