
中间品贸易跑出“加速度” 推动我国迈向贸易强国

Middleware trade “accelerates” and pushes China to become a trading power

Breakings ·  Apr 22 07:00
In the first quarter of this year, China's imports and exports continued to recover, and the role of net exports in driving economic growth increased. According to specific analysis, the new business format and model represented by “intermediate goods trade” have “accelerated” and have become a new growth point for foreign trade against the backdrop of a recovery in external demand, driving the recovery of exports for the better. Interviewed experts pointed out that the reason for the current reference to “expanding trade in intermediates” is because this is the key to understanding the global value chain in the future and driving the industrial chain forward. It is also the only way for China to become a trading power. (Securities Times)

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