
中物联:3月份物流需求恢复加快 景气指数回升明显

China IoT: The recovery in logistics demand accelerated in March, and the sentiment index rebounded significantly

Breakings ·  Apr 2 09:01
Today (2nd), the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released the China Logistics Industry Sentiment Index for March. The data shows that as upstream and downstream activities in the supply chain became more active, the recovery in logistics demand accelerated in March, and the sentiment index rebounded markedly, returning to the expansion range. China's logistics industry sentiment index in March was 51.5%, up 4.4 percentage points from the previous month, returning to the expansion range. Looking at the sub-indices, the main sub-indices rose across the board. Among them, the total business volume index, new orders index, and inventory turnover index rebounded markedly.

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