
与辉同行直播间3月GMV超6亿元位居抖音带货榜首 东方甄选排第五

In March, GMV of Huitai's live broadcast room topped the Douyin delivery list with more than 600 million yuan and ranked fifth in Oriental Selection

Breakings ·  Apr 1 22:38
In March 2024, the total GMV (total product transaction amount) of the top 20 Douyin delivery list was 5,012 billion yuan, an increase of 27% over the 3,945 billion yuan in February. Among them, Liuhui's live broadcast room topped the list with over 600 million yuan, Yunshang Jewelry and Mr. Dong ranked second and third with about 328.1 million yuan and 328 million yuan, and Oriental Selection ranked fifth with 286 million yuan.

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