
海信家电再创新高 去年净利同比增长近乎翻倍

Hisense home appliances reached a new high, and net profit nearly doubled year-on-year last year

Breakings ·  Apr 1 11:36
Hisense Home Appliances (000921.SZ) closed up 3% in the afternoon. The intraday high of 31.56 yuan continued to hit a record high, with a total market value of over 43.5 billion yuan. The company achieved operating income of 85.6 billion yuan in 23, an increase of 15.50% over the previous year, and achieved net profit of 2,837 billion yuan to mother, an increase of 97.73% over the previous year. Net revenue and profit both increased year over year, and profitability increased. This figure is higher than most analysts' expectations. Previously, analysts generally expected net profit of around 2,808 billion yuan in 2023.

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