
近30家上市公司盘后披露回购或增持金额上限达2亿元的计划公告 隆基绿能董事长提议3-6亿元回购

Nearly 30 listed companies announced plans to repurchase or increase holdings up to 200 million yuan after the market, Chairman of Longji Green Energy proposed a repurchase of 300 to 600 million yuan

Breakings ·  Feb 5 23:03
According to incomplete statistics, post-market statistics include Jiu'an Medical, Sany Heavy Industries, Dazu Laser, Longji Green Energy, Yabao Pharmaceutical, Juhe Materials, Lanqi Technology, Haiguang Information, Jucan Optoelectronics, Wanye, Shandong Steel, 3D, Runhe Software, Dinglong, Jiyou, Precision Measurement Electronics, Guomai Technology, China Porcelain Materials, Crystal Optoelectronics, GCL Integrated, Dongpeng Holdings, Happy Home, Fuyuan Pharmaceutical, Senying Window, Tongfang Shares, Shanying International, Qibin Group Twenty-eight A-share listed companies, including Xinnong, announced plans to repurchase or increase holdings up to 200 million yuan. Specifically, 24 listed companies disclosed repurchase plan announcements. Among them, Jiu'an Medical plans to repurchase shares for 600 million yuan to 1.2 billion yuan, involving the largest amount; Chairman of Longji Green Energy proposed to repurchase shares for 300 million yuan to 600 million yuan. In addition, five listed companies announced plans to increase their holdings. Among them, the indirect controlling shareholders of Tongfang Co., Ltd. and their co-actors plan to increase their shares by no more than 500 million yuan. What is interesting is that Yao Ming Kangde announced after the market that it has repurchased 0.69% of the company's shares for 1 billion yuan.

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