
抢占技术前沿 中国光伏企业结伴“走出去”

Seize the cutting edge of technology, Chinese PV companies join forces to “go global”

Breakings ·  Jan 16 07:13
Around the 2024 New Year, the PV industry is extremely busy. According to the Securities Times reporter's incomplete statistics, a number of companies, including Jingao Technology, Huasheng New Energy, Gaosheng Co., Ltd., and Huamin Co., Ltd. announced the commissioning of new construction projects, while the projects of enterprises such as Anhui Huangshi Green Energy also ushered in an important point of equipment installation. After interviewing the heads of several companies, the Securities Times reporter learned that, on the one hand, there is still a supply gap in N-type advanced production capacity, and various manufacturers are targeting technical layouts such as TopCon (an advanced solar cell manufacturing process), HJT (crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells), and perovskite to meet market demand; on the other hand, Chinese photovoltaic companies have gone abroad to invest overseas. In the context of the integrated development of “optical hydrogen storage and charging”, photovoltaic companies have actively participated in the “second track” in recent years, and energy storage and hydrogen energy have been favored. Some companies are focusing on hydrogen energy equipment as refinancing projects, some have set development goals for the energy storage business, and a series of new investment plans are underway.

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