
中信建投:未来人工智能将成为游戏不可或缺的部分 重申看好游戏

CITIC Construction Investment: Artificial intelligence will become an indispensable part of gaming in the future, reaffirming optimism about games

Breakings ·  Jun 1, 2023 07:31
According to the CITIC Construction Investment Research Report, Nvidia recently launched a development version of the ACE game. Based on the 3D content collaboration platform Omniverse and generative AI technology, the NPCs in the game have more realistic language, voice interaction, and facial animation to improve the player interaction experience. Earlier, other game giants at home and abroad were also actively exploring generative AI technology, including Microsoft, OpenAI, Activision Blizzard, NetEase, Ubisoft, etc. Artificial intelligence will become an indispensable part of games in the future, making games multi-faceted, and allowing players to have personalized experiences in games. We reaffirm our optimism about games: 1) the integration of various industries of game development with AI is high; 2) The speed of implementation is fast. Q3 looks at the launch of smart NPCs and AI+UGC editors; in the medium term, we look at the increased frequency of updates of old game maps and activities, leading to a steady flow, and the long-term implementation of native AI games.

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