

Newzoo: Predicted that the global gaming market will reach $206.4 billion by 2025

Breakings ·  May 31, 2023 12:48
According to the latest report released by market research company Newzoo, the global video game market shrank by 5% in 2022. The global gaming market reached $183 billion in 2022. Among them, mobile games accounted for 50%, reaching 92 billion US dollars, down 7% year on year; console games followed, with 52.2 billion US dollars, down 3% year on year; while digital/physical PC game revenue was 36.5 billion US dollars, down 2.6% year on year; and web game revenue was 2.3 billion US dollars, down 15% year on year. Newzoo also predicts that the global game market will reach 206.4 billion US dollars in 2025.

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