
小米集团:在AI大模型方面有积累 未来将引入更先进的大模型能力

Xiaomi Group: In terms of AI big models, it has accumulated the ability to introduce more advanced big models in the future

Breakings ·  Mar 24, 2023 20:10

Lu Weibing, partner and president of Xiaomi Group, explained on the earnings call that Xiaomi has been experimenting with AI models and the like for a long time, using multiple technology routes in parallel. For example, Classmate Xiao Ai is a typical big model implementation application scenario, and the company has already accumulated some experience in this area. “Our student, Xiao Ai, has been working for 6 years and has accumulated long-term reusable experience in the user interaction experience. In the future, we will continue to expand model research and introduce more advanced big model capabilities, including exploring multi-modal capabilities and improving the smart cockpit interaction experience. “Lu Weibing said.

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