

Hongbo Co., Ltd.: Xiao E has now completed an internal upgrade and is officially launched on the official website of Inbo Digital

Breakings ·  Mar 22, 2023 22:20
Xiao E has now completed an internal upgrade and is officially launched on the official website of Inbo Mathematics. InBev XiaE is an AIGC chatGPT chatbot. Based on the Nvidia Megatron base, models are built through technical modules such as LLM and NLP. Similar to ChatPT introduced by OpenAI, the model modules all come from Nvidia. The first phase of the company's supercomputing center project consists of 20 Nvidia DGX series supercomputers to provide the market with 100P computing power for high-performance computing and heavy AI reasoning training. At present, the Beijing AI Innovation Empowerment Center is operating normally, and related business is being carried out according to the plan.

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