

The Social Security Fund appeared as the top ten tradable shareholders in 6 stocks, with Yunlu Co., Ltd., Beixin Building Materials, and Foshan Energy holding the highest number of shares

Breakings ·  Mar 22, 2023 08:21
The Social Security Fund appeared as the top ten tradable shareholders of 6 individual stocks, holding a total of 109 million shares, with a total holding market value of 2.49 billion yuan. Yunlu Co., Ltd., Beixin Building Materials, and Foshan Energy held the highest number of shares, with 75 million shares, 12 million shares, and 10 million shares, respectively. Judging from the market value of shares held by social security funds, Yunlu Co., Ltd., Shede Liquor, and Beixin Building Materials ranked high, with market holdings of 835 million yuan, 739 million yuan, and 306 million yuan respectively.

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