

165 cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones have been set up across the country

Breakings ·  Mar 20, 2023 10:57
At the press conference on the theme of the “Authorities Speak Up” series held on the 20th, Sun Yuning, deputy director of the General Administration of Customs, said that cross-border e-commerce has come from nothing, “buy the world” and “sell the world”. Cross-border e-commerce has become a new driving force for the development of China's foreign trade. Over the past five years, imports and exports have grown from 1 trillion yuan in 2018 to 2.11 trillion yuan in 2022. At present, 165 cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones have been set up across the country, which have become an important vehicle and platform for the development of cross-border e-commerce. Currently, they have covered 31 provinces and cities.

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