

Everbright International Securities Wu Lixian: The downgrade favors the financial, real estate and infrastructure sectors

Breakings ·  Mar 17, 2023 17:52
The People's Bank of China decided to reduce the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.25 percentage points on March 27. Wu Lixian, a strategist at Everbright International Securities, said that this shows that the mainland will continue to take stabilizing economic growth as the main starting point at the monetary policy level in the future. Meanwhile, after crisis events broke out in the periphery this week, including Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse, the mainland also hopes to provide more liquidity support to the local financial industry to ensure steady economic development in the future. It is expected that this downgrade will bring great benefits to the financial sector. At the same time, industries that require a large amount of capital, such as Chinese-funded real estate and infrastructure sectors, can also help reduce their capital expenditure costs.

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