
北京银行与北京市体育局签署战略合作协议 联合发布“京彩体育贷”融资服务方案

The Bank of Beijing and the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly release the “Jingcai Sports Loan” financing service plan

Breakings ·  Feb 11, 2023 08:14
On the afternoon of February 10, the Bank of Beijing and the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau jointly held the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement and the launch of the “Jingcai Sports Loan” financing service plan. At the event, the Bank of Beijing and the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau jointly released the “Jingcai Sports Loan” financing service plan. According to the characteristics of sports enterprises in Beijing, they custom-launched “Stadium Loans,” “Sports Event Loans,” “Sports Integration Loans,” “Sports Commercial Loans,” “Sports Training Loans,” and “Sports Venture Loans”. The service was more targeted, and loan elements such as quotas and terms were more compatible.

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