

Passenger Union: In January, wholesale sales of manufacturers exceeded 10,000 vehicles, and the number of companies dropped to 7, BYD 150,000 vehicles, Tesla China 66,000 vehicles

Breakings ·  Feb 8, 2023 16:15
In terms of product launch, as autonomous vehicle companies take multiple lines on the new energy route, the market base continues to expand, and the number of companies whose wholesale sales exceeded 10,000 vehicles fell to 7 (halved month-on-month, 4 less year-on-year), accounting for 76% of the total number of new energy passenger vehicles. Among them: BYD cars are 150,164, Tesla China is 66,051, Changan is 24,960, SAIC Motor is 18,178 passenger cars, Ideal cars is 15,141, Geely is 11,032, and GAC Aian is 10,206.

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