

China Automobile Dealers Association: Most dealers think passenger car sales will increase by nearly 5% in 2023

Breakings ·  Feb 7, 2023 16:53
The China Automobile Dealers Association reported on February 7 that in January 2023, the overall automobile market in China was stable, and passenger car terminals are expected to be sold at around 1.4 million units. As orders accumulated in January are delivered one after another, sales are expected to continue to grow in February. The Dealers Association also explained that more than 90% of dealers believe that the automobile market will recover in an orderly manner in 2023. Among them, nearly 50% of dealers believe that the car market will recover in the second quarter of 2023, and that there will be clear restorative growth in the second half of the year. Most dealers believe that passenger car sales will increase close to 5% throughout the year.

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