
港股午评:恒指高开高走收涨0.84% 百度涨超14%

Hong Kong stock afternoon review: The Hang Seng Index opened higher and closed higher, and Baidu rose more than 14%

Breakings ·  Feb 7, 2023 12:00
The Hang Seng Index opened higher in early trading. As of the afternoon, it closed at 0.81%, the Hang Seng Technology Index rose 1.86%, Green Power and China Securities returning to Hong Kong led the way, the biomedicine and rare earth sectors rose higher, the food sector weakened, Meitu rose more than 17%, Baidu rose more than 14%, and the “ChatGPT application” ERNIE Bot (ERNIE Bot) will be publicly released after completing internal tests in March. China Aluminum rose more than 4%, Luoyang Molybdenum, Consino Biotech, Tang Tang surged over 3%.

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