

Crystal Optoelectronics: Overall AR-HUD shipments are expected to increase greatly in 2023

Breakings ·  Feb 7, 2023 10:57
AR-HUD will mainly supply two models, Hongqi EHS9 and Changan Deep Blue SL03 in 2022. The Hongqi EHS9 is a high-end model with few shipments; the Changan Deep Blue SL03 model sold more than 11,000 units in a single month in December 2022, but since the model was released in the second half of the year, shipments last year were over 40,000 units. Model companies that have already released in 2023 will continue to deliver AR-HUDs, and mass production of new models will be released at the same time. It is expected that overall AR-HUD shipments will increase greatly in 2023.

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