
阿维塔:年内发布全新中大型轿车E12 阿维塔11累计交付已超2000辆

Avita: The new medium and large sedan E12 was released during the year, and the Avita 11 has delivered more than 2,000 vehicles

Breakings ·  Feb 6, 2023 11:47
Avita, a tripartite cooperative brand between Changan, Huawei, and Ningde, announced that as of February 5, 2023, Avita 11, Avita's first smart electric coupe, had delivered more than 2,000 vehicles. In addition, Avita also plans to release the Avita 11 single-motor version and the new medium to large sedan E12 within the year, making every effort to reach the annual target of ordering 100,000 vehicles.

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