

Major banks are getting bigger and bigger, and the growth rate of the banking industry will exceed 10% in 2022

Breakings ·  Feb 2, 2023 01:25
After experiencing single-digit growth in 2021, the growth rate of the banking sector's expansion began to recover in 2022. The growth rate of total assets and total liabilities both reached more than 10%, returning to the level of 2020. Looking closely at multi-dimensional regulatory data from the central bank and the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission, it was discovered that three more trend characteristics are beginning to appear — residents' willingness to save is soaring, especially when it comes to regular savings; whether it's debt or assets, big banks are getting bigger and bigger; big banks are getting bigger and bigger in terms of inclusive investment, not only are they “on the cutting edge”, but they are also sinking more and more. (Securities Times)

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