
贝壳研究院:已有30城首套房贷利率低于4.1% 最低至3.7%

Shell Research Institute: The interest rate for the first home loan in 30 cities has fallen below 4.1%, as low as 3.7%

Breakings ·  Feb 1, 2023 17:38
Interest rate adjustments for first home loans after the holiday season set off a small climax. As of January 31, out of 103 cities monitored by the Shell Research Institute, there were 30 cities with interest rates below 4.1% for the first set, and the statistics for January 16 were 19. Of these, there are 8 second-tier cities, and the rest are third- and fourth-tier cities. Specifically, there are two cities with interest rates of 4.0% for the first set, 4 cities with interest rates of 3.95%, 9 cities with interest rates of 3.9%, 11 cities for 3.8%, and four cities with interest rates of 3.7% for the first set. Currently, interest rates for commercial loans are the lowest in the country, namely Nanning, Zhuhai, Zhuzhou, and Changde.

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