

Tianjin Mobile joins hands with Huawei to complete intelligent operation and maintenance commercialization of the SmartEntran port business

Breakings ·  Jan 31, 2023 19:43
According to Huawei China's official website, in January 2023, Tianjin Mobile joined hands with Huawei to complete the commercialization of the IntelligenTran 5GToB Suite terminal network intelligent operation and maintenance solution in the Tianjin Port private network. The 5GToB Suite enables stable online operation of the 5G RAN private network in Tianjin Port, replacing the original method of Tianjin Mobile's reliance on manual operation and maintenance, saving operating costs and improving business operation efficiency by 70%. The scheme realizes the autonomy of a single wireless domain and is integrated by AUTIN, a deterministic service guarantee scheme for 5G private networks. It strongly supports the achievement of China Mobile's A10 service end-to-end security goals and helps Tianjin Mobile's 5G private network business develop rapidly and steadily.

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