
天赐材料投资成立磷氟科技研究公司 注册资本500万

Tianci Materials invested in the establishment of a phosphor fluoride technology research company with a registered capital of 5 million

Breakings ·  Jan 31, 2023 14:48
According to the Tianyancha App, recently, Hubei Tianyi Phosphorus and Fluorine Technology Research Co., Ltd. was established. The legal representative is Xu Dingwang, with a registered capital of 5 million yuan. The scope of business includes engineering and technology research and experimental development; investment activities using its own funds; environmental consulting services; engineering management services; chemical product sales; construction materials sales; fertilizer sales, etc. According to shareholder information, the company is jointly owned by Yichang Tianci High-tech Materials Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tianci Materials, Hubei Phinju Investment Co., Ltd., and Huaqiang Industrial Group Co., Ltd.

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