
工信部:春节假期移动数据流量保持增长 5G流量占比已超四成

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Mobile data traffic continues to grow during the Spring Festival holiday, and 5G traffic already accounts for more than 40%

Breakings ·  Jan 31, 2023 09:43
According to data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, mobile Internet user access traffic reached 4,411,000 TB (1TB=1024GB) during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday in 2023, an increase of 6.3% compared to the 7-day Spring Festival in 2022. There was a significant increase in 5G mobile Internet user access traffic during the 7-day Spring Festival holiday. Compared with the 7-day Spring Festival in 2022, it increased 103%, accounting for more than 40% of mobile Internet user access traffic.

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