
特斯拉加码4680电池 相关概念股大幅走高

Tesla increased 4680 battery-related concept stocks to a sharp rise

Breakings ·  Jan 30, 2023 09:37
The 4680 battery concept stock opened sharply higher. Codali opened higher in seconds, Fangyuan shares, Dongfang Electric, and Lianwin Laser rose more than 11%, while Ningbo Jingda, Slake, Yiwei Lithium Energy, Dangsheng Technology, and Rongbai Technology all rose sharply. According to the news, Tesla announced its 3.6 billion dollars/100 GWh 4680 expansion plan. The gigafactory located in Nevada will supply about 1.5 million light vehicles. The Semi, which expanded production during the same period, is also expected to be adapted.

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