

Quanguo Fund revealed its first quarterly public offering report, and the top ten heavy-duty stocks were released

Breakings ·  Jan 20, 2023 15:24
Quanguo Fund's first public fund, Quanguo Xuyuan's three-year holding hybrid fund, disclosed its quarterly report for the first time since it was established on October 18, 2022. The Four Quarterly Report shows that Quan Guo Xuyuan has a low price layout and is steadily opening positions. As of December 31, 2022, equity positions reached 67.24%. The combined holdings were mainly concentrated in high-end manufacturing industries such as power equipment, new energy, computers, electronics, machinery, military, etc., as well as the consumer industry recovering in the post-pandemic era. As of January 13, the net values of Class A and Class C share funds were $1.0411 and $1.0401 respectively. By the end of last year, Quanguo Xuyuan's top ten heavy-duty stocks were Ningde Times, Yingliu Co., Ltd., Enjie Co., Ltd., Lixun Precision, Longji Green Energy, Sanhua Intelligent Control, Tianci Materials, Kodali, TCL Zhonghuan, and Jinbo, which accounted for 8.49%, 5.24%, 5.13%, 4.97%, 4.59%, 4.02%, 3.32%, 3.07%, 3.01%, respectively. (Broker China)

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