

Ping an Securities: the semiconductor industry is in a cyclical downward phase, and structural opportunities still exist.

Breakings ·  Jan 9, 2023 15:00
At present, the semiconductor industry is in the cyclical downward stage, and structural opportunities still exist: the demand for renewable energy such as new energy vehicles + "scenery storage" is still strong, and the upstream power semiconductor industry chain will benefit. Recommend new Jieneng, Starr semiconductors, etc. The instruments needed at the design and development end are the accelerators of the semiconductor and other high-end intelligent manufacturing industries. With the promotion of the downstream market and the support of national policies, the domestic alternative space will be gradually opened. It is recommended to pay attention to Dingyang Technology, Puyuan Jingdian, Kun Hengshunwei, etc.; self-controllable semiconductor equipment is imperative, recommend China Micro Corporation, North Huachuang and so on.

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