
海默科技:公司控制权拟发生变更 股票复牌

Hammer Technology: the company's control will be changed and the stock will resume trading.

Breakings ·  Jan 3, 2023 20:43
According to Haimo Technology announcement, Dou Jianwen, the company's controlling shareholder, and his co-actors Zhang Ligang and Zhang Liqiang plan to transfer their 20 million shares of Haimo Technology (accounting for 5.2% of the company's total share capital) to Shandong Xincheng, with a transfer price of 190 million yuan. Dou Jianwen, Zhang Ligang and Zhang Liqiang delegated the voting rights of the remaining company shares after the transfer of the shares to Shandong Xincheng. After the completion of the transfer of shares and the entrustment of voting rights, Shandong Xinqi will hold 19.05% of the voting rights of the company and become the controlling shareholder of the company, and Su Zhancai will become the actual controller of the company. In addition, the company plans to raise no more than 448 million yuan from the new journey in Shandong to supplement liquidity. The company's shares have resumed trading since the opening of the market on January 4.

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