
韩国晶圆代工厂产能利用率降幅超出预期 部分厂商明年开工率或仅有50%

The decline in the capacity utilization rate of Korean foundries exceeded expectations, and some manufacturers may have an operating rate of only 50% next year

Breakings ·  Dec 8, 2022 18:48
Industry insiders pointed out that the capacity utilization rate of DB HiTek, the second-largest foundries in Korea in Q4, has dropped to 80%, while the average capacity utilization rate in Q3 is 95%. The capacity utilization rate of foundries such as Key Foundry, Magna Chip, and SK Hynix System ICs is also only 70%-80%. As the decline in the capacity utilization rate of Korean foundries exceeds expectations, there are even pessimistic predictions that some companies may only have an operating rate of 50%-60% next year.

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