
多地银行住房贷款可延期还款 服务面向受疫情影响人员

Deferrable repayment services for housing loans from banks in many places are aimed at people affected by the epidemic

Breakings ·  Dec 7, 2022 18:07
According to the Beijing Daily, a number of bank branches in Guangzhou, including the Industrial and Commercial Bank, the Construction Bank, the Agricultural Bank, the Bank of China, and the Bank of Communications, have recently introduced deferred loan repayment services for personal mortgages. Each bank has a different segmentation policy for this move. Currently, in addition to Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and other places have also issued relevant loan deferred repayment policies to support deferred debt service for eligible personal housing loans. In terms of specific policies, most banks have adopted measures such as deferring repayment of mortgages (providing a grace period), extending repayment periods, changing repayment methods, and applying for credit information objections. The extension period (grace period) is handled flexibly according to the actual situation. The minimum is 1 month. Most of them are between 3 and 6 months, and some can reach 12 to 18 months. No overdue dates, no penalty interest, and no credit reporting during the leniency period.

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